I help frustrated parents grow new insights and understanding of their child, while learning the importance of connection and calm, sturdy, parental leadership. 

Through our work together, I help parents grow alongside their child instead of growing apart. 


What is parent coaching?

Say goodbye to frustration and hello to empowered, conscious parenting. Helping parents with their parenting challenges and struggles is my passion. Together, we’ll uncover parenting strengths you didn’t know you had while building fresh, new, positive relationships with your children. Through parent coaching, you will learn effective strategies that make parenting easier and more fulfilling.

Perfection in parenting doesn’t exist.

Growing Change Parent Coaching offers a transformative experience where we strive for progress, not perfection. Have you ever wondered,”Why is everything with my kids so hard from morning till night?” or “Why don't they listen?” Let's work together to find answers and create lasting change.

Focus areas

Discover positive parenting techniques to support your family and yourself, making your parenting journey easier, more fulfilling, and joyful.

hand-drawn armchair icon

Power struggles


Screen addiction

hand-drawn aim target icon

Creating structure

hand-drawn simplified needles in back acupuncture icon

Self care

Interested in coaching with me?

Book a free 30 minute consultation. You can share with me what brings you to parent coaching, and I'll tell you about me and share my coaching model, and how I help parents transform their family life from chaos, challenges and struggles to calm, connection and joy.